# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler 2Pac Şarkıları

High Speed
Fuckin Wit The Wrong Nigga
How Long Will They Mourn Me
Hold On Be Strong
God Bless the Dead
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Resist The Temptation Şarkı Sözü


Resist the temptation of the beast
You'll slip and lose your grip and forever fall asleep
The venom is contagious, beware of its spell
What you thought would be heaven, turns out to be hell

I wonder if she knows the devil's taken off her clothes
Deep into her soul, slow, now he's in control
Poppas doing worse, a victim of the deadly curse
Wouldn't be the first to leave the ghetto in a hearse and oh, how it hurts

The children pay the biggest price
Never get the chance to grow up with a happy life
Blame it on the rock, but we know that's a bunch of crap
Someone's at the top supplying us with much crack

Keep them in a daze, don't let them see the other way
Let 'em all get paid, won’t live to see another day
See they never got a breath of the sunshine
Now the kids addicted and only hit it one time
We are destined to be dead as a nation
Don't let it come to this, resist the temptation

Gamble for your soul with the devil
You wonder how low can you go before you reach the lowest level
As everybody sits and stares
There's no use looking in you eyes ‘cause there isn't anybody there

And though it may make you wanna cry
Got you stealing from your family and you don't even know why
I guess you think they will understand
You feel cold ‘cause you sold your soul to the dope-man

Now there's no turning back, in fact
It's decided that would live and die for the crack
You got no friends ‘cause you cheated them all
You feel lonely, low, defeated and small

No one was there when I took the wrong path
And nobody cared if I died in a blood bath
But is this my destiny?
Tell the Lord they got my mind but he can have the rest of me

‘Cause I'm ready to end it all
One bullet to the brain, forgive my sins and all
I didn't mean to be a bother
A failure as a son, a husband and a father

I wish I could turn back the time
Go back and let it find why I let it crack my mind
And my only explanation, it came to this
Resist the temptation



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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