# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Alice Cooper Şarkıları

Killed by Love
Six Hours
The World Needs Guts
It's the Little Things
Dirty Dreams
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

For Veronica's Sake Şarkı Sözü

Alice Cooper

I got a name and number
I got a bed assigned
I got a dog in the city pound
That I left behind

I'm strapped down and wild eyed
She's locked up in a pen
She needs somebody to feed her
And I'm her only friend

So for Veronica's sake, I gotta get out of here
Yeah, for Veronica's sake she can get pretty weird
Yeah, for Veronica's sake I gotta get myself out of here

We both been put in cages
We got our shots and tags
I got my sweating fist to shake
She's got her tail to wag

She has to bark and whimper
While I can scream and shout
The clock above the psycho ward
Says time is running out

So for Veronica's sake, I gotta get out of here
Yeah, for Veronica's sake she can get pretty weird
Yeah, for Veronica's sake, I gotta get myself out of here

And I can hear her howling all night
At the lonely moon
They're gonna give her the gas
If I don't get there soon
I gotta get there soon

For Veronica's sake I gotta get out of here
Yeah, for Veronica's sake she can get really weird
Yeah, for Veronica's sake I gotta get out of here

For Veronica's sake I gotta get out of here
Yeah, for Veronica's sake she can get pretty weird
For Veronica's sake I gotta get out of here
Yeah, for Veronica's sake she can get pretty weird

For Veronica's sake I gotta get out of here
Yeah, for Veronica's sake she can get pretty weird
For Veronica's sake



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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