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En Popüler Alice Cooper Şarkıları

Killed by Love
Dirty Dreams
It's the Little Things
Pretty Ballerina
Six Hours
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

It's the Little Things Şarkı Sözü

Alice Cooper

You can burn my house, you can cut my hair
You can make me wrestle naked with a grizzly bear
You can poison my cat, baby I don't care
But if you talk in the movies, I'll kill you right there

It's the little things, it's just the little things
Aw, it's the little things, it's just the little things
Yeah, it's the little things that drive me wild

I'm like a mad dog, I'm on a short leash
I'm on a tight rope, hanging by a thread
I'm on some thin ice, you push me too far
Welcome to my nightmare, no more Mr. Nice Guy

You can steal my car and drive it into the lake
You can stick me in the oven and put it on bake
You could throw a big brick through my window pane
But if I ever hear you ask me how I got my name

It's the little things, it's just the little things
Aw, it's the little things, it's just the little things
Yeah, it's the little things that drive me wild

I'm like a mad dog, I'm on a short leash
I'm on a tight rope, hanging by a thread
I'm on some thin ice, you push me too far
Welcome to my nightmare, no more Mr. Nice Guy

I've done it all, I mean I been everywhere
I've been beaten, I been stabbed
I been hung, I been buried alive
And I can deal with that but it's the little things

I've done it all, I mean I been everywhere
I've been beaten, I been stabbed
I been hung, I been buried alive
And I can deal with that 'cuz it's the little things

It's the little things, it's just the little things
Yeah, it's the little things, just the little things
Aw, just the little things that drive me wild

I'm like a mad dog, I'm on a short leash
I'm on a tight rope, hanging by a thread
I'm on some thin ice, you push me too far
I'm just a psychopathic, psychopathic

I'm like a mad dog, I'm on a short leash
I'm on a tight rope, hanging by a thread
I'm on some thin ice, you push me too far
Welcome to my nightmare, no more Mr. Nice Guy

It's just the little things, aw, it's the little things
It's just the little things



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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