# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Amy Winehouse Şarkıları

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Moody's Mood For Love
Mr. Magic
What It Is
October Song
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Take the Box Şarkı Sözü

Amy Winehouse

The neighbors were screaming, I don’t have a key for downstairs
So I punched all the buzzers hoping he wouldn't be there
And now my head’s hurting, you say I always get my own way
But you were in the shower when I got there, and I don’t wanted to stay
But I got nothing to say

You were so beautiful before today
And then I heard what you say, man, that was ugly

The Moschino bra you bought me last Christmas
Put it in the box, put it in the box
Frank’s in there and I don’t care
Put it in the box, put it in the box
Just take it, take the box, take the box

I came home this evening and nothing felt like how it should be
I feel like writing you a letter but that's not me, you know me
Feel so fucking angry, don’t wanna be reminded of you
But when I left my shit in your kitchen, I said goodbye to your bedroom
And smiled at you

Mr. False Pretence, you don’t make sense, I just don’t know you
But you make me cry, where’s my kiss goodbye? I think I love you

The Moschino bra you bought me last Christmas
Put it in the box, put it in the box
Frank’s in there I don’t care
Put it in the box, put it in the box
Now take it, take the box
Just take it, take it, take the box
And now just take the box, take the box



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