# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Beck Şarkıları

Say Can You See
Totally Confused
I'm Doing Fine
One of These Days
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Elevator Music Şarkı Sözü


1, 2, you know what to do
Alright, come on

I'm uptight super gathered
Out of the frame
I shake a leg on the ground
Like an epileptic battery man

I'm making my move
Lettin' loose like a belt
Little worse for wear
But I'm wearing it well

Tell me, what's wrong
With a little grind 'n' bump?
When the stereos erupt
With a kick drum punch?

Once you do it once
Probably do it again and again
You did it before
But you're more erratic than then

And you had a rough night
The night's just begun
Let a little bit of this
A pass with this gun

Don't let it hold you back
But you're already set
No dead flowers gonna grow
Until the dirt gets wet

Put the elevator music on
Pull me back where I belong
The ambulance sings along
The fly on the wall
Doesn't know what's wrong

If I could forget myself
You could find another lie to tell
If I had a soul to sell
I'd buy some time
To talk to my brain cell

Gut-bucket and a bottle of paint
It's like the schoolhouse lights
Will never turn on again
'Til the bottom wears off

Of these high-heeled boots
The bodies all move
With some backbone roots

Everybody workin' hard
'Til the yard is all clean
The dishes wash good
In the washin' machine

Now you brush your teeth
And you comb back your hair
You drive your vehicle
Like you just didn't care

You're walkin' to work
With the boys and the girls
And you're doin' it there
It's the end of the world

Now when everybody's sweatin'
Forgettin' what's on their minds
With your hand like a mirror
You can see what's inside

When you're down and out
Pounded and there's nothing that's real
It's like a plastic heart
Too amputated to feel

I got a soda can Bible song
A paranoid Jumbo-tron
The Lord took the weekend off
The fly on the wall
Doesn't know what's wrong

If I could forget myself
I'd find another lie to tell
The bottom of an oil well
The cell phone's ringing
I could talk to my brain cell

Come on, what?
All the dudes with the banjos
Chicks with the wicks
Animals with bananas
I got my hand like a mirror

With your hand like a mirror
You can see what's around
Oh, yeah



Yorum Yapın


En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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Sekiz 2

Zamanda Yolculuk

31 Ekran

Hakkari 24 Şehit

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Wrecking Ball

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