# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Bob Dylan Şarkıları

Under Your Spell
This Wheel's on Fire
No More Cup Off Coffee
Bob Dylan's 115th Dream
This Dream of You
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Po' Boy Şarkı Sözü

Bob Dylan

Man came to the door, I say, "For whom were you lookin'?"
Says, "Your wife", I say, "She's busy in the kitchen cookin'''
Po' boy, where you been? I already told you, won't tell you again

I say, "How much you want for that, I'll go into the store"
Man says, "Three dollars all right", I say, "Will you take four?"
Po' boy, never say die, things will be all right, by and by

Workin' like in a main line, workin' like the devil
The game is the same, it's just upon another level
Po' boy, dressed in black, police at your back

Po' boy in a red hot town, out beyond the twinklin' stars
Ridin' first class train, makin' the rounds
Try to keep from fallin' between the cars

Othello told Desdemona, "I'm cold, cover me with a blanket
By the way, what happened to that poisoned wine?"
She said, "I gave it to you drank it"
Po' boy, layin' 'em straight, pickin' up the cherries fallin' off the plate

Time and love has branded me with its claws
Had to go to Florida, dodgin' them Georgia laws
Po' boy in the hotel called the 'Palace of Gloom'
Called down to room service, says, "Send up a room"

My mother was the daughter of a wealthy farmer
My father was a travelin' salesman, I never met him
When my mother died my uncle took me in to run a funeral parlor
He did a lot of nice things for me and I won't forget him

All I know is that I'm thrilled by your kiss
I don't know any more than this
Po' boy, pickin' up sticks, build you a house out of mortar and bricks

Knockin' on the door, I say, "Who is it, where you from?"
Man say, "Freddie", I say, "Freddie who?"
He say, "Freddie or not, here I come"
Po' boy 'neath the stars that shine
Washin' them dishes, feedin' them swine



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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