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En Popüler Bob Dylan Şarkıları

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They Killed Him
This Wheel's on Fire
Under Your Spell
Bob Dylan's 115th Dream
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Restless Farewell Şarkı Sözü

Bob Dylan

Oh all the money that in my whole life I did spend
Be it mine right or wrongfully
I let it slip gladly to my friends
To tie up the time most forcefully

But the bottles are done, we've killed each one
And the tables full and overflowed
And the corner sign, says it's closing time
So I'll bid farewell and be down the road

Oh every girl that ever l've touched
I did not do it harmfully
And every girl that ever I've hurt
I did not do it knowingly

But to remain as friends
You need the time to make amends and stay behind
And since my feet are now fast and point away from the past
I'll bid farewell and be down the line

Oh every foe that ever I faced
The cause was there before we came
And every cause that ever I fought
I fought it full without regret or shame

But the dark does die
As the curtain is drawn and somebody's eyes must meet the dawn
And if I see the day, I'd only have to stay
So I'll bid farewell in the night and be gone

Oh every thought that's strung a knot in my mind
I might go insane if it couldn't be sprung
But it's not to stand naked under unknowin' eyes
It's for myself and my friends my stories are sung

But the time ain't tall
If on time you depend and no word is possessed by no special friend
And though the line is cut, it ain't quite the end
I'll just bid farewell till we meet again

Oh a false clock tries to tick out my time
To disgrace, distract and bother me
And the dirt of gossip blows into my face
And the dust of rumors covers me

But if the arrow is straight and the point is slick
It can pierce through dust no matter how thick
So I'll make my stand and remain as I am
And bid farewell and not give a damn



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