# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Bob Dylan Şarkıları

Under Your Spell
No More Cup Off Coffee
Bob Dylan's 115th Dream
In Search Of Little Sadie
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Shot Of Love Şarkı Sözü

Bob Dylan

I need a shot of love
I need a shot of love

Don't need a shot of heroin to kill my disease
Don't need a shot of turpentine, only bring me to my knees
Don't need a shot of codeine to help me to repent
Don't need a shot of whiskey, help me be president

I need a shot of love
I need a shot of love

Doctor, can you hear me? I need some Medicaid
I seen the kingdoms of the world and it's makin' me feel afraid
What I got ain't painful, it's just bound to kill me dead
Like the men that followed Jesus when they put a price upon His head

I need a shot of love
I need a shot of love

I don't need no alibi when I'm spending time with you
I've heard all of them rumors and you have heard 'em too
Don't show me no picture show or give me no book to read
It don't satisfy the hurt inside nor the habit that it feeds

I need a shot of love
I need a shot of love

Why would I want to take your life?
You've only murdered my father, raped his wife
Tattooed my babies with a poison pen
Mocked my God, humiliated my friends

I need a shot of love
I need a shot of love

Don't wanna be with nobody tonight
Veronica not here, Mavis just ain't right
There's a man that hates me and he's swift, smooth and near
Am I supposed to set back and wait until he's here?

I need a shot of love
I need a shot of love

What makes the wind wanna blow tonight?
Don't even feel like crossing the street and my car ain't actin' right
Called home, everybody seemed to have moved away
My conscience is beginning to bother me today

I need a shot of love
I need a shot of love

I need a shot of love
I need a shot of love
I need a shot of love
I need a shot of love

If you're a doctor
I need a shot of love



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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Sertab Erener



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