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En Popüler Bob Dylan Şarkıları

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Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Standing In The Doorway Şarkı Sözü

Bob Dylan

I'm walkin' through the summer nights
The jukebox playin' low
Yesterday everything was goin' too fast
Today it's movin' too slow

I got no place left to turn
I got nothin' left to burn
Don't know if I saw you if I would kiss you or kill you
It probably wouldn't matter to you anyhow

You left me standing in the doorway, cryin'
I got nothin' to go back to now

The light in this place is so bad
Makin' me sick in the head
All the laughter is just makin' me sad
The stars have turned cherry red

I'm strummin' on my gay guitar
Smokin' a cheap cigar
The ghost of our old love has not gone away
Don't look it like it will anytime soon

You left me standin' in the doorway, cryin'
Under the midnight moon

Maybe they'll get me and maybe they won't
But not tonight and it won't be here
There are things I could say, but I don't
I know the mercy of God must be near

I've been ridin' a midnight train
Got ice water in my vein
I would be crazy if I took you back
It would go up against every rule

You left me standin' in the doorway, cryin'
Sufferin' like a fool

When the last rays of daylight go down
Buddy, you're old no more
I can hear the church bells ringin' in the yard
I wonder who they're ringin' for

I know I can't win
But my heart just won't give in
Last night I danced with a stranger
But she just reminded me you were the one

You left me standin' in the doorway, cryin'
In the dark land of the sun

I eat when I'm hungry, drink when I'm dry
And live my life on the square
And even if the flesh falls off of my face
I know someone will be there to care

It always means so much
Even the softest touch
I see nothing to be gained by any explanation
There's no words that need to be said

You left me standin' in the doorway, cryin'
Blues wrapped around my head



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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