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En Popüler Bob Dylan Şarkıları

No More Cup Off Coffee
They Killed Him
This Wheel's on Fire
Under Your Spell
Bob Dylan's 115th Dream
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar Şarkı Sözü

Bob Dylan

Prayed in the ghetto
With my face in the cement
Heard the last moan of a boxer
Seen the massacre of the innocent
Felt around for the light switch
Turned around for her face
Been treated like a farm animal
On a wild goose chase

West of the Jordan, east of the Rock of Gibraltar
I see the turnin' of the page, curtain risin' on a new age
See the groom still waitin' at the altar

Try to be pure at heart
They arrest you for robbery
Mistake your shyness for aloofness
Your silence for snobbery
Got the message this mornin'
The one that was sent to me
About the madness of becomin'
What one was never meant to be

West of the Jordan, east of the Rock of Gibraltar
I see the turning of the page, curtain risin' on a new age
See the groom still waitin' at the altar

Don't know what I can say about Claudette?
That wouldn't come back to haunt me
Finally had to give her up
'Bout the time she began to want me
But I know God has mercy
On them who are slandered and humiliated
I'd a done anything for that woman
If she'd only make me feel obligated

West of the Jordan, east of the Rock of Gibraltar
I see the turning of the cage, curtain risin' on a new age
See the groom still waitin' at the altar

Put your hand on my head, baby
Do I have a temperature?
I see people who are supposed to know better
Standin' around like furniture
There's a wall between you
What you want, you got to leap it
Tonight you got the power to take it
Tomorrow you won't have the power to keep it

West of the Jordan, east of the Rock of Gibraltar
I see the turning of the page, curtain risin' on a new age
See the groom still waitin' at the altar

Cities on fire
Phones out of order
They're killin' nuns and soldiers
There's fightin' on the border
What can I say about Claudette?
Ain't seen her since January
She could be respectably married
Or runnin' a whorehouse in Buenos Aires

West of the Jordan, east of the Rock of Gibraltar
I see the turning of the page, curtain risin' on a new age
See the groom still waitin' at the altar



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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