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En Popüler Bob Dylan Şarkıları

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Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat) Şarkı Sözü

Bob Dylan

There's a long distance train rolling through the rain
Tears on the letter I write
There's a woman I long to touch and I missin' her so much
But she's drifting like a satellite

There's a neon light ablaze in the green smoky haze
And laughter down on Elizabeth Street
There's a lonesome bell tone in that valley of stone
Where she bathed in a stream of pure heat

Her father would emphasize you got to be more than street-wise
But he practiced what he preached from the heart
A full-blooded Cherokee, he predicted it to me
The time and the place that we part

There's a babe in the arms of a woman in a rage
And a longtime golden-haired stripper on stage
And she winds back the clock and she turns back the page
Of a book that nobody can write
Oh, where are you tonight?

The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure
To live it you had to explode
And at the last hour of need, we entirely agreed
Sacrifice was the code of the road

I left town at dawn, with Marcel and St. John
Strong men belittled by doubt
I couldn't tell her what my private thoughts were
But she had some way of finding them out

He took dead-center aim, but he missed just the same
She was waiting putting flowers on the shelf
She could feel my despair as I climbed up her hair
And discovered her invisible self

There's a lion in the road, there's a demon escaped
There's a million dreams gone, there's a landscape being raped
As her beauty fades and I watch her undrape
But I won't but then maybe again I might
Oh, if I could just find you tonight

I fought with my twin, that enemy within
'Til both of us fell by the way
Horseplay and disease is killing me by degrees
While the law looks the other way

Your partners in crime hit me up for nickels and dimes
The man you were loving couldn't never get clean
It felt out of place, my foot in his face
But he should've stayed where his money was green

I bit into the root of forbidden fruit
With the juice running down my leg
Then I dealt with your boss, who'd never known about loss
Who always was too proud to beg

There's a white diamond gloom, on the dark side of this room
And a pathway that leads up to the stars
If you don't believe there's a price for this sweet paradise
Just remind me to show you the stars

There's a new day at dawn, and I've finally arrived
If I'm there in the morning, baby, you'll know I've survived
I can't believe it, I can't believe I'm alive
But without you it doesn't seem right
Oh, where are you tonight?



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