# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Bright Eyes Şarkıları

If The Brakeman Turns My Way
Make A Plan To Love Me
I've Been Eating
Happy Accident
Lime Tree
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Amy In The White Coat Şarkı Sözü

Bright Eyes

You take your clothes off
Right after school
The tea is on
The flame is blue

And you hope it won't take
All afternoon
The TV's waiting
To talk to you

It's your naked body
On white velor
But there's no feeling
Just weight on you

But you get nauseous now
As he speaks to you
Such proper language
For acts so cruel

He says, we all follow the rules
We can't very well go
And break them now can we?
For you, for you, for you

Your older sisters
I had them too
But you're my favorite
You know it's true

You look like your mother
In that thin disguise
Your parting mouth
Your shining eyes

And the way that you hate me
And the length of your hair
It's the reason I make you
It's the bond that we share

'Cos you were all trying to endure it
You could easily go and make your own life somewhere
Couldn't you? Couldn't you? Couldn't you?
Couldn't you? Couldn't you? Couldn't you? Couldn't you?"

With the sun beams bright
You keep your eyes shut
Your alarm clock lies
Get to school on time

But you're a bag of warm fluid
You're the corpse in the class
You walk so near to your locker
You lay so low in the grass

Did you get that coat from the principal?
Did you get that bruise on the bus?
You should wash your hair more
You should look more like us

But I saw you walking once
Under powder blue skies
You looked cold still
Your collar was high

And I tried to talk to you
But you walked right by
I don't know which I said then
"Hello" or "Goodbye"

And yet we're all trying to be pure
But it isn't a very easy thing, now is it?
To do, to do, to do, to do, to do, to do
Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it?
Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it?



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



En Popüler Yerli Sanatçılar

En Popüler 5 Yabancı Sanatçı

Coldplay Coldplay

Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey

Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys

Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran

Daft Punk Daft Punk

En Popüler Yabancı Sanatçılar

En Popüler 5 Yerli Şarkı

Sekiz 2

Zamanda Yolculuk

31 Ekran

Hakkari 24 Şehit

Serseri Styla


En Popüler Yerli Şarkılar

En Popüler 5 Yabancı Şarkı


Taylor Swift

Wrecking Ball

Miley Cyrus

Do I Wanna Know?

Arctic Monkeys

En Popüler Yabancı Şarkılar

En Yeni 3 Şarkı

The Black Keys The Black Keys
Weight of Love Şarkı Sözü
Kasabian Kasabian
treat Şarkı Sözü
Linkin Park Linkin Park
Until it's Gone Şarkı Sözü

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Sen Parfüm Ben Esrar Kokarım Şarkı Sözü

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Ayşe Gökalp
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Semih Ertürk
Unutmuş Olsada Şarkı Sözü

Arslan Yakıcı
Söylesene Aşk Şarkı Sözü

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