# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Darren Hayes Şarkıları

Waking The Monster
I Forgive You
Dublin Sky
Lucky Town
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Good Enough Şarkı Sözü

Darren Hayes

If I woke up late
Couldnt get out of bed
If I bought you a caf latte instead

If I lied when I said
Thirty-two inches was the size of my waist
And can I admit
Every once in a while
Even though I dig alternative style

I can be caught dancin to Brittany
And can I confess
That art house doesnt turn me on
But I like every single thing that Spielberg's done

Could I be good enough
Could I be good enough

If the going got worse
And the worse got rough
The days became endless
And harder than tough

Id be good enough
Better than best
Would be simply
To be good enough

If everything I give
Doesnt seem like a lot
If its all that I got
Baby, tell that could be good enough

Where I grew up
The rent was cheap
Though we always had enough to eat

Didnt have fancy clothes
I never really cared
'Coz there were shoes on my toes

And motherly love
I knew it like the back of my hand
She always had a way to make me understand

I could be good enough
I could be good enough
If the going got worse

And the worse got rough
The days became endless
And harder than tough

Id be good enough
Better than best
Would be simply
To be good enough

If everything I give
Doesnt seem like a lot
If its all that I got
Baby, tell me that could be good enough

'Coz I dont know which way this road is gonna turn
But I know its gonna be fine
But there are some days no matter how much Ive learned
That the road gets tough

And I dont feel good enough
But if youre giving me some of that loving
Could you pass some over
Let me cry on your shoulder and tell me baby
I could be good enough

If I lost my job
And my hair fell out
If I made no sense
And I scream and shout

Would you laugh at me?
Never take a word I say seriously
And if Im out in the cold
Waiting in the back of the line
Too afraid to drop my name for fear of decline

Could you tell me Im good enough?
Could I be good enough?
If the going got worse
And the worse got rough

The days became endless
And harder than tough
Id be good enough
Better than best

Would be simply to be good enough
If everything I give
Doesnt seem like a lot
If its all that Ive got
Baby, tell me that could be good enough

I need to know that I could be good enough
Because everybody wants to feel good enough
Show me, baby, tell me
Come on a prove it, baby and give it to me



Yorum Yapın


En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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31 Ekran

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Wrecking Ball

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Do I Wanna Know?

Arctic Monkeys

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