# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler David Bowie Şarkıları

Baby Loves That Way
Look Back in Anger
She's Got Medals
God Only Knows
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Glass Spider Şarkı Sözü

David Bowie

Up until one century ago there lived
In the Zi Duang province of an eastern country
A glass-like spider
Having devoured its prey

It would drape the skeletons over its web
In weeks creating a macabre shrine of remains
Its web was also unique, in that it had many layers
Like floors in a building

At the top of this palace-like place
Assembled with almost apparent care
Were tiny, shining objects
Glass, beads, dewdrops

One could almost call it an altar
When the breeze blew through this construction
It produced sounds of wailing, crying
Tiny wails, tiny cries

The baby spiders would get scared
And search frantically for their mother
But the glass spider would have long gone
Having known that the babies
Would survive somehow on their own

Oh, the glass spider had blue eyes almost like a human's
They shed tears at the wintered turn of the centuries

Don't you hear this wasted cry, life is over you
(Mummy come back 'cos the water's all gone)
But you've seen who's in Heaven, is there anyone in Hell?
(Mummy come back 'cos it's dark now)

Take care, take care
(Mummy come back 'cos the water's all gone)
Somewhere she glows divine, somewhere she wakes alone
But you, you've promise in your lovin' eye
God it's dark now

Gone, Gone the water's all gone
(Mummy come back 'cos the water's all gone)
Stay low on the ground
The fire can drive you savage and afraid

Spitting at the dawn, come along before the animals awake
(Gone, gone, the water's all gone
Mummy come back 'cos it's dark now)

Run, run, moving all night, rivers to the left
If your mama don't love you then riverbed might
Gone, gone, the water's all gone
(Mummy come back 'cos the water's all gone)

Gone, gone, the water's all gone
(Mummy come back 'cos the water's all gone)
Gone, gone, the water's all gone
(Mummy come back 'cos the water's all gone)
Gone, gone, the water's all gone
(Mummy come back 'cos the water's all gone)

Mummy come back 'cos it's dark now
Mummy come back 'cos the water's all gone

Mummy come back 'cos it's dark now
Mummy come back 'cos the water's all gone

Mummy come back 'cos it's dark now



Yorum Yapın


En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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Do I Wanna Know?

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treat Şarkı Sözü
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