# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Deep Purple Şarkıları

Space Truckin'
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
Chasing Shadows
Don't Let Go
Clearly Quite Absurd
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Anyone's Daughter Şarkı Sözü

Deep Purple

The wind is blowing from a new direction
You're thinking 'bout going, I know
It's been a long season and hard on our affections
But that's no reason to let go

You change just like the weather
But the weather, you know, will always change
If you stay, it'll get better
Wherever you go, it's bound to rain

So put on your jacket and stand your ground
Love's gonna have its highs and lows
If we turn and face it, the wind will come around
Don't have to chase it when it blows

You change just like the weather
Well, I stood under your bedroom window
Throwing up a brick
No one came I threw one more
That really did the trick

Your daddy came and banged my head
He said, "What kind of man
Is this that's hanging 'round my girl"
And threw me in the can

You're a farmer's daughter
You're a farmer's daughter
Why do I always get
The kinda girl I didn't oughta get
I won't get no more eggs and water
Now I've laid the farmer's daughter

Imagine, I was a full-grown man
And I could talk just right
Could I come and see you here
And do this every night?

Wham, the door comes crashing down
Your daddy's face all pale
Says, "Come with me you hairy bum
I'll put you in my jail?"

You're a judge's daughter
You're a judge's daughter
Why do I always get
The kinda girl I didn't oughta get
Now I'm getting jail and torture
'Cause I made the judge's daughter, yes I did, it was nice

It seems they're screaming law and order
When I go with anyone's daughter

Woman, I should like some peace
And daddy hold your tongue
I think you're gonna die of fright
When I tell you what I've done

I can hear your tales and lies
You say I'm dumb and scraggy
But man this dumb and scraggy
Is your daughter's baby's daddy

She's a lucky daughter
Such a lucky daughter
Why did I always get
The kinda girl I didn't wanna get
Now I've got what I always fought for
'Cause I've married a rich man's daughter

Ha, what do ya think of that?

But the weather, you know, will always change
If you stay, it'll get better
Wherever you go, it's bound to rain

You change just like the weather
But the weather, you know, will always change
If you stay, it'll get better
Wherever you go, it's bound to rain

You change just like the weather



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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Sertab Erener



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