# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Elton John Şarkıları

I Think I'm Going To Kill Myself
On Dark Street
Love's Got A Lot To Answer For
Out Of The Blue
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Michelle's Song Şarkı Sözü

Elton John

Cast a pebble on the water
Watch the ripples gently spreading
Tiny daughter of the Camaguey
We were meant to be together
We were made for one another
In a time it takes to grow up
If only we were old enough
Then they might leave us both alone

So take my hand in your hand
Say, "It's great to be alive"
No one's goin' to find us
No matter how they try
No one's goin' to find us
It's wonderful, so wild beneath the sky

Sleepin' in the open
See the shadows softly moving
Take a train towards the Southlands
Our time was never better
We shall pass the sights of splendor
On the door of a new life
It had to happen soon I guess
Whether it is wrong or it is right

So take my hand in your hand
Say, "It's great to be alive"
No one's goin' to find us
No matter how they try
No one's goin' to find us
It's wonderful, so wild beneath the sky

We learned to be so graceful
Watchin' wild horses runnin'
And from those agile angels
We knew the tide was turnin'
For we watched as on the skyway
The herons circled slowly
While we mere mortals watched them fly
Our sleepless eyes grew heavy

So take my hand in your hand
Say, "It's great to be alive"
No one's goin' to find us
No matter how they try
No one's goin' to find us
It's wonderful, so wild beneath the sky

So take my hand in your hand
Say, "It's great to be alive"
No one's goin' to find us
No matter how they try
No one's goin' to find us
It's wonderful, so wild beneath the sky



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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