# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Elvis Presley Şarkıları

My Happiness
In The Garden
Loving Arms
Is It So Strange
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Talk About The Good Times Şarkı Sözü

Elvis Presley

Well, I remember when I was just children
The time the people used to treat the neighbor like a fellow man
And all their singing and big prayer meetings
When a man was proud to walk up and shake his neighbors hand

Oh, you talk about the good times, talk about the good times
Oh, if you ever needed help a friend was there
Some good neighbor help you lift your burden
Mmm, and the simple joys of life a friend would share

Times are harder and the people are changing
Now most folks couldn't tell you who their neighbors are
All their guns are loaded, the front doors are bolted
Ain't this ol' world taking hate and fear just a little too far

Oh, you talk about the good times, talk about the good times
I wish I could go back to the days I'm speaking of
When a friend would meet you and a smile would greet you
What this ol' world needs now is a little old fashioned love

My granddaddy, God rest his soul now
Well, we had a big long talk together the day he died
Said, “Son, this world is full of hate and venom
And I can't wait to leave this ol' place and rest on the other side”

Oh, you talk about the good times, talk about the good times
Well, I'm gonna see all the friends I knew in the good ol' days
We'll have a big hand shaking and sit and talk together
Sit down by the river Jordan and sing our blues away

Oh, you talk about the good times, talk about the good times
Well, I'm gonna see all the friends I knew in the good ol' days
Have a big hand shaking and sit and talk together
Sit down by the river Jordan and sing our blues away

Oh, you talk about the good times, talk about the good times
Well, I'm gonna see all the friends I knew in the good ol' days
We'll have a big hand shaking and sit and talk together
Sit down by the river Jordan and sing our blues away



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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