# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Eminem Şarkıları

My First Single
Get Back
Never 2 Far
It's Murda (Cable Guy remix)
The Kids
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Say Goodbye Hollywood Şarkı Sözü


Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”

Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
(I feel this way)
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”

I thought I had it all figured out I did
I thought I was tough enough to stick it out with Kim, but I wasn't
t tough enough to juggle two things at once
I found myself planted on my knees in cuffs

Which shoulda been a reason enough for me to get my stuff and just leave
How come I couldn't just see this shit myself its me
Nobody coulda seen this shitIfelt
Knowin' damn well she wasn't gonna be there when I fell to catch me

The minute she was seen she just bailed
I'm standin' and swingin' on like 30 people by myself
I couldn't even see the millimeter when it fell
Turned around saw Gary stashin' a heater in his belt

Saw the bouncers rush him and beat him to the ground
I just sold 2 million records I don't need to go to jail
I'm not about to lose my freedom over no female
I need to slow down, tryna get my feet on solid ground, so for now

Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”

Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
(I feel this way)
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”

Bury my face in comic books, 'cuz I don't wanna look
And nothing in this world is too much
I swallowed all I could
If I could swallow a bottle of tylonol I would
And hit it for good and say good bye to Hollywood

I prolly should 'cuz these problems are piled all at once
'Cuz everything that bothers me I got all bottled up
I think I'm bottoming out but I'm not about to give up
I gotta get up, thank God I got a little girl

Now I'm a responsible father so not alotta good
I'd be to my daughter layin' in the bottom of the mud
Must be in my blood 'cuz I don't know how to do it
All I know is that I don't want her following in the footsteps

Of my dad 'cuz I hate him so bad
Worst feeling I had was growing up to be like his fuckin' ass
Man if you could understand why I am the way that I am
What do I say to my fans when I tell 'em

Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”

Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
(I feel this way)
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”

I don't wanna quit this shit, it feels like this is it
For me to have this much I feel like this is it
This is not a game this fame the real life is as sick
Publicity my ass, consume my fuckin' dick

Fuck the guns, I'm done I'll never look at gats
If I scrap, I'ma scrap it like I never wooped some ass
I love my fans but no one ever puts a grasp on the fact
That I sacrificed everything I had

I never dreamt I'd get to the level that I'm at
This is wack, this is more then I ever coulda asked
Everywhere I go I had a sweater, hood or mask
What about math? how come I wasn't never good at that

It's like the boy in a bubble who never could adapt I'm trapped
If I could go back, I never woulda rapped
I sold my soul to the devil, I'll never get it back
I just wanna leave this game with level head intact

Imagine going from bein' no one and seein' everything blow up
And all you did was grow up mceein'
It's fuckin' crazy, all I wanted was to give Hailey the life I never had
I've forced us to live alienated, so I'm sayin'

Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”

Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
(I feel this way)
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”
Say “Goodbye”, say “Goodbye to Hollywood”

Goodbye Hollywood
Please don't cry for me
When I'm gone for good
So, goodbye
Goodbye Hollywood
Please don't cry for me
When I'm gone for good



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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