"Impact is Imminent" by Exodus --------------------------------- You wouldn't take a taxi You said you couldn't stay You drink and drink and drive Almost every day Your life speeds through your mind Faster than you drive Living on a shoestring All your fucking life Your friends say you need help You tell them that youre fine As you tip the bottle And swallow some cheap wine You're a living time bomb Waiting to explode You'll just be a statistic When you're dead and cold!
Every time you drink and drive You always think that you'll survive Till your car is crushed and bent Impact is imminent Sirens fill the streets aloud It always draws the biggest crowd They peel your body off cement Impact is imminent!
The daily obituaries reveal More and more fools climbed behind the wheel Thinking they were sober enough to drive They didn't know they'd never come back alive A bad case of double vision Led straight onto a head-on collision Passed out and crossed the double line How can anyone be so asinine?
Blind drunk and hauling ass He got airborne off an overpass He never knew he left the ground Like a warhead target bound You can't correct your fatal mistake When you're the guest of honor at your own wake Thought he could fly till he hit cement Impact is imminent!
Drunken time bombs set to detonate When happy hour's over they're off to celebrate Their vision's but a blur, they barely see the road Been drinking for so long they're starting to erode A fucking drunken lush climbs into his car Kills you in an instant coming from the bar An alcoholic bum hits you from behind A child and his mother run down in their prime!

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