# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Ice Cube Şarkıları

You Gotta Lotta That
Doin' What It 'Pose 2Do
I Gotta Say What Up!!!
Record Company Pimpin'
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

What Can I Do? (Remix) Şarkı Sözü

Ice Cube

Oh what can I do
What can I do
To make it better, yeah, yeah

I thank the Lord for every morning he allows me to rise
And though the sun is shining there's a cloud in the sky
Letting me know that at any moment there could be rain
And as beautiful as life is there still could be pain

Down the block I hear the sirens just-a screaming away
And then the inevitable happens the ending of days
Sad as it sounds, that's the price we've all got to pay
And the whole world knows the Lord give it and take it away

Live and I learn, I sit and watch my cigarette burn
Down to the ash, reminds me of the now and the past
I save me a prayer it's eventually I'll stand in the path
Of the souls on the dark roads that leads to the man

Do you hear them crying?
Waiting for someone
To come and dry these tears
Take away their fears

Another child is born bloody naked, clinging to life
Unaware of his surroundings or if breathing is right
In the arms of his mother as he looks in her eyes
He takes his first breath and he screams
The baby's alive

And at the same time another mother murders her kids
And the unbearable thought of this here just brings me to tears
It's hard enough we got to raise our kids to live in this world
So full of hate with no fate, and you're killing your pearls

And sometimes I got to sit it down and wonder myself
But then again I ain't Jesus and I couldn't help
But all I can do is hope I never live with the fact
That I hurt one of my seeds, 'cause dealing with that

Would be the hardest thing I'd ever have to do in my time
I'd have to take my own life too and I couldn't climb
That stairway that you hear me sing about in my rhyme
And a parent hurting his kid ain't a sign of the time

I know there's truth in that statement we just living to die
But I believe if you live it right, you'll live in the sky
Looking down on the good and the bad, the world as a whole
Now hopefully you did what you did 'fore you had to go

Do you hear them crying?
Waiting for someone
To come and dry these tears
Take away their fears
Can I make it better?
Can I ease the pain
That they are going through?
What can I do? what can I do?

I say goodbye to you cruel world, I see peace in the red sky
I see the beast when the dead die, relief when my head's high
Hear the streets up ahead cry, when the heat from the lead fly
Felt the grief when I said bye, before the sheets on my bed dried

The turn of the table, the tale of the tape
The destruction of human flesh of the not so great
The long list of the John Doe's that accompany the spirit
As the yells of the souls lost with hopes that god hears it

The resurrections of empty hearts crowd in the room
Muffled sounds of the outside echo the tomb, but I'm cool

Do you hear me?
The crying

Do you hear them crying?
Waiting for someone
To come and dry these tears
Take away their fears
Can I make it better?
Can I ease the pain
That they are going through?
What can I do?

Do you hear them crying?
Waiting for someone
To come and dry their tears
Take away their fears
Can I make it better?
Can I ease the pain
That they are going through?
What can I do?



Yorum Yapın


En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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