# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Iron Maiden Şarkıları

Out of the Silent Planet
The Nomad
I'm a Mover
Quest for Fire
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Out of the Silent Planet Şarkı Sözü

Iron Maiden

Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are

Withered hands, withered bodies begging for salvation
Deserted by the hand of gods of their own creation
Nations cry underneath decaying skies above
You are guilty, the punishment is death for all who live
The punishment is death for all who live

Out of the silent planet, dreams of decimation,
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation.
Out of the silent planet, dreams of decimation,
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation.

The killing fields, the grinding wheels crushed by equilibrium.
Separate lives, no more disguise, no more second chances.
Haggard wisdom spitting out the bitter taste of hate.
I accuse you before you know the crime it's all too late.
Before you know the crime it's all too late.

Out of the silent planet, dreams of decimation,
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation.
Out of the silent planet, dreams of decimation,
Out of the silent planet, come the demons of creation.

Out of the silent planet, out of the silent
planet we are.
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are.

Out of the silent planet, dreams of decimation,
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation.
Out of the silent planet, dreams of decimation,
Out of the silent planet, Come the demons of creation.

Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are.
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are.
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are.
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are,
Out of the silent planet, out of the silent planet we are.



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Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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