# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Jamiroquai Şarkıları

Whatever It Is, I Just Can't Stop
Didgin' Out
Smoke and Mirrors
World That He Wants
Mr. Moon
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Smoke and Mirrors Şarkı Sözü


Stop what you're doing, get into this groove
Can't you see the signs?
Carried away on a wave of devotion
With music pumping, the lights are shining so bright

Stop what you're doing, get into this groove
Can't you see the signs?

Slip on out and slip on into his shoes
He dances like a plasticine machine
Some guys seize the day
Some guys got the way
Sweet old school attraction
He wants your lovin' tonight

He tells you you're no cheapskate reproduction
You're sure that he must be the real thing
Well, you're damned if you do
And you're damned if you don't
'Cause your friends don't like his haircut
But he wants your lovin' tonight

Oh, seven brides might meet the seven brothers
That doesn't mean that you are one of them
Seventeen other lovers left the scene
But you don't think that you're the go between
Girl, think about it
He wants your lovin' tonight

Oh, those days turn into years and you did nothing
And now you wish you'd been left out there on the shelf
Baby, you're an angel
Doin' things for him and not yourself

Those flaming eyes that flicker in the fast lane
Don't tell of broken hearts he's left behind
It's hard not to succumb
But you were stuck under his thumb
You won't have a word of it
Your mama's going out of her mind

This is not the thing she wanted for you
Chained up to the kitchen sink of life
Thirteen years of negligence
But you're too far in to jump the fence
I bet you ruled the day
When you took his lovin' that night

So hard for you to see through smoke and mirrors
How come you never look before you leap
Well, baby, you're an angel
You didn't know he's playing this for keeps

Did you see the good, the bad, the ugly?
They told you it was far too far to drop
Oh baby, you're an angel
Crying on a shoulder made of rock

He wants your lovin'
Tonight, my dear, tonight, your lovin'
Tonight, my dear, tonight, your lovin'
Tonight, my dear, tonight, your lovin'
Tonight, my dear, tonight, your lovin'

Tonight, my dear, tonight, your lovin'
Tonight, my dear
He wants your lovin' tonight
He wants your lovin' tonight
He wants your lovin' tonight

Tonight, my dear, tonight, your lovin'
Tonight, my dear
He wants your lovin' tonight



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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