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En Popüler Jason Mraz Şarkıları

What Would Love Do
Boy's Gone
If It Kills Me
She Is The Bomb
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Love For A Child Şarkı Sözü

Jason Mraz

There's a picture on my kitchen wall
Looks like Jesus and His friends involved
There's a party getting started in the yard
And there's a couple getting steamy in the car, parked in the drive
Was I too young to see this with my eyes?

And by the pool that night, apparently
The chemicals weren't mixed properly
You hit your head and then forgot your name
Then you woke up at the bottom by the drain
And now your altitude and memory's a shame

What about taking this empty cup and filling it up
With a little bit more of innocence, I haven't had enough
It's probably because when you're young
It's okay to be easily ignored
I'd like to believe it was all about love for a child +

When the house was left in shambles
Who was there to handle all the broken bits of glass
Was it mom who put my dad out on his ass or the other way around?
Well, I'm far too old to care about that now

What about taking this empty cup and filling it up
With a little bit more of innocence, I haven't had enough
It's probably because when you're young
It's okay to be easily ignored
I'd like to believe it was all about love for a child

It's kinda nice to work the floor since the divorce
I've been enjoying both my Christmases and my birthday cakes
And taking drugs and making love at far too young an age
And they never checked to see my grades
What a fool I'd be to start complaining now

What about taking this empty cup and filling it up
With a little bit more of innocence, I haven't had enough
It's probably because when you're young
It's okay to be easily ignored
I'd love to believe it was all about love for a child
It was all about love



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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