# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Johnny Cash Şarkıları

I'm Ragged But I'm Right
I Couldn't Keep from Crying
Let The Train Blow The Whistle
Would You Lay With Me (In a Field of Stone)
There Ain't No Good Chain Gang
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Devil's Right Hand Şarkı Sözü

Johnny Cash

Well, about the time my daddy left to fight the big war
I saw my first pistol in the general store
In the general store, when I was thirteen
Thought it was the finest thing I ever had seen

l asked, if I could have one when I grew up
Mama dropped a dozen eggs and she really blew up
She really blew up and I didn't understand
Mama said, the pistol is the devil's right hand

She really blew up and I didn't understand
Mama said the pistol is the devil's right hand
The Devil's right hand, the devil's right hand
Mama said, the pistol is the devil's right hand

My very first pistol was a cap and ball Colt
Shoot as fast as lightnin' but it loads a might slow
It loads a mite slow and I soon found out
It can get you into trouble but it can't get you out

Then I went and bought myself a Colt 45
Called a peacemaker but I didn't know why
I never knew why and I didn't understand
'Cause Mama said, the pistol is the devil's right hand

I never knew why, I didn't understand
Mama said, the pistol is the devil's right hand
The devil's right hand, the devil's right hand
Mama said, the pistol is the devil's right hand

I got into a card game in a company town
Caught a miner cheating and I shot the dog down
Shot the dog down, watched the dog fall
Never touched his holster, never had a chance to draw

The trial was in the mornin' and they drug me out of bed
Asked me how I pleaded, not guilty I said
Not guilty I said, you've got the wrong man
Nothing touched the trigger but the devil's right hand

Not guilty I said, you've got the wrong man
Nothing touched the trigger but the devil's right hand
The devil's right hand, the devil's right hand
Nothing touched the trigger but the devil's right hand



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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Sertab Erener



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