# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Limp Bizkit Şarkıları

Lesson Learned
Livin' It Up
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Almost Over Şarkı Sözü

Limp Bizkit

Learned how to rap as a little boy
Took a lot of crap as a little boy
Always had to fight back as a little boy
Always under attack as a little boy
Never got good grades as a little boy
I was locked in a cage as a little boy
Still I never was afraid as a little boy
I was feedin' my rage as a little boy
It's time to blow they minds..

Learned how to lose as an older man
Sang a lot of blues as an older man
But I saw it all through as an older man
Put together my crew as an older man
Felt a lot of pain as an older man
I established my name as an older man
People piss on my game as an older man
Ain't nothin' gonna change as an older man
It's time to blow they minds now, baby
It's time to blow they minds now, baby
Come on and cry now, baby
Y'all know it's my time now, baby
Come on!

Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
What it look like?
What it look like, baby?
Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
What it look like?
What it look like, baby?

Got treated like a clown as a little boy
Kept my feet on the ground as a little boy
When you're living in a dream as a little boy
Ain't nothing like it seems as a little boy
I was hatin' on the world as a little boy
I was lovin' all the girls as a little boy
I was into punk rock as a little boy
I was breakin' non-stop as a little boy
It's time to blow they minds...

Got treated like a chump as an older man
Mixin' rock with the funk as an older man
Learned what a girl was as an older man
Now I know how to love as an older man
But I'm still a big kid as an older man
And I'de much rather give as an older man
Still I'm singin' in the rain as an older man
Ain't nothin' gonna change as an older man
It's time to blow they minds now, baby
It's time to blow they minds now, baby
Come on and cry now, baby
Y'all know it's my time now, baby
Come on!

Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
What it look like?
What it look like, baby?
Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
What it look like?
What it look like, baby?

My life is one big dream
I'm lost in what it means
Don't wake me up 'cause it's almost over
These voices in my mind
Keep telling me it's time
To wake me up 'cause it's almost over

It's time to blow they minds now, baby
It's time to blow they minds now, baby
Come on and cry now, baby
Y'all know it's my time now, baby
It's time to blow they minds now, baby
It's time to blow they minds now, baby
Come on and cry now, baby
Y'all know it's my time now, baby
Come on!

Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
What it look like?
What it look like, baby?

My life is one big dream
I'm lost in what it means
Don't wake me up 'cause it's almost over
These voices in my mind
Keep telling me it's time
To wake me up 'cause it's almost over

Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
Who that is? what it say?
What it look like?
What it look like, baby?



Yorum Yapın


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Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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