# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Lorde Şarkıları

Swingin Party
Glory and Gore
A World Alone
The Love Club
400 Lux
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

The Love Club Şarkı Sözü


I'm in a clique but I want out
It's not the same as when I was punched
In the old days there was enough
The card games and ease with the bitter salt of blood
I was in but I it want out
My mother's love is choking me
I'm sick of words that hang above my head
What about the kid? It's time the kid got free

Be a part of the love club
Everything will glow for you
You'll get punched for the love club
For the love club.

I joined the club and it's all on
There are fights for being my best friend
And the girls get their claws out
There's something about hanging out with the wicked kids
Take the pill make it too ill
The other day I forgot my old address
I'm sitting pretty on the throne, there's nothing more I want
Except to be alone.

Be a part of the love club
Everything will glow for you
You'll get punched for the love club
For the love club.

Your clothes are soaked and you don't know where to go
So drop your chin and take yourself back home
And roll out your maps and papers
Find out your hiding places again
The only problem that I've got with the club
Is how you're severed from the people who watched you grow up
When you're a member go on your great adventure again
And we'll be waiting at the end.

Be a part of the love club
Everything will glow for you
You'll get punched for the love club
For the love club.



Yorum Yapın


En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



En Popüler Yerli Sanatçılar

En Popüler 5 Yabancı Sanatçı

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Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey

Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys

Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran

Daft Punk Daft Punk

En Popüler Yabancı Sanatçılar

En Popüler 5 Yerli Şarkı

Sekiz 2

Zamanda Yolculuk

31 Ekran

Hakkari 24 Şehit

Serseri Styla


En Popüler Yerli Şarkılar

En Popüler 5 Yabancı Şarkı


Taylor Swift

Wrecking Ball

Miley Cyrus

Do I Wanna Know?

Arctic Monkeys

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En Yeni 3 Şarkı

The Black Keys The Black Keys
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Kasabian Kasabian
treat Şarkı Sözü
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Until it's Gone Şarkı Sözü

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