# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Matisyahu Şarkıları

Late Night in Zion
Live at Stubb's
On Nature
Chop 'em Down
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Warrior Şarkı Sözü


You're the son of his Majesty
Remember how it used to be
In the light of day it's easy to see
Now it's night time, you had to leave

Separated from the King
Now the water's rushin'
So you keep tryna swim against the stream
And it seems like you're not moving
The many water's gushing, you gasp for air

Almost drowning, ears ringing
Once upon a time we were singing
One day the trees will stand and clap hands
Stream of thought getting caught in the klipa
This place is just a shell, external

Egos swell, that one'll burn ya
We fell a long way down
That eternal frown'll get you
You look vexed, it's the dregs
The yetzer hara's lurking
Tryna make you forget, we got a job to do

You can't be moved
You're a prince and a priest
You can't be moved
You're a priest and a prince, no, no, no
You can't be moved, no, no, no, no, no

You're a warrior
Fighting for your soul
Taken from the world above
And brought down to a world below

You're a warrior
Fighting for your soul
Taken from the world above
And brought down to a world below

Reunited, reunited
Return the princess to the king
Reunited, reunited
She's been taken for so long

Reunite them, reunite
And then they'll be filled with joy
I reunite them, reunite
Like the days of her youth

Descended to the pit
What's this feelin'? Can't get rid of it
Soul, sick, can't seem to shake it
When one retires at night weeping
Joy will come in the morning
You made my mountain stand strong

You're a warrior
Fighting for your soul
Taken from the world above
And brought down to a world below

Like an ancient memory
Remember how it used to be
Close your eyes and breath in
That's the scent of freedom

Ringin' across the sea
Land of milk and honey
One day will wake up from this sleep
And we'll stop dreaming
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Then we'll see clearly, no, no, no, no, no

You're a warrior
Fighting for your soul
Taken from the world above
And brought down to a world below

You're a warrior
Fighting for your soul
Taken from the world above
And brought down to a world below

You're a warrior
Fighting for your soul
Taken from the world above
And brought down to a world below

Will wake up from sleep
Will wake up from sleep
Remember how it used to be, freedom

You're a warrior
Fighting for your soul



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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