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En Popüler Megadeth Şarkıları

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Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Sleepwalker Şarkı Sözü


I should be calling collect from jail
For the things I commit each night in my head
Like last night in my sleep I got to snuff you
But then I woke up again safe in my little bed

No one is safe
When I close my eyes
I come to take your life

I get to force your untimely disappearance
Each night in my dreams, when I'm fast asleep
I close my eyes, you just vanish soon as I lay down my head
When I'm dead to the whole wide world

No one is safe
When I close my eyes
I come to take your life

And then I wake up again
And it was all just a dream
And everything is the same

Sleepwalker did I give you concrete shoes?
And throw you off of a bridge
Sleepwalker when I lay down to sleep
Pray your soul's mine to keep, I feel you near me, Sleepwalker

Just taking a stroll
Don’t go to sleep
Here's some toothpicks for your eyes

You always make an excellent cadaver
I roll your body up in a carpet to make music in the
Trunk of my limousine, wrapped up in a rug
A fitting end is that I send you up the river like a punk

No one is safe
When I close my eyes
I come to take your life

The Angel of Death is pissed off at me again
Just because I got to put you out of my misery
It doesn't matter, I am without fear
Now you're dead, I won't shed another bloody tear for you

No one is safe
When I close my eyes
I come to take your life

I'm calling down the thunder
Then you'll sleep with the fishes
The answer to all of my wishes

Sleepwalker did I tell you I was in movies?
Then dump you garroted lying naked in a ditch
Sleepwalker everyday, another way
I know you can hear me

I think you'd look nice in a Colombian necktie
Should stop your tongue from wagging the dog
No more stupidity from you as I pull your tongue through
For a smile from ear to ear, now there's nothing to hear

No one is safe
When I close my eyes
I come to take your life

And then I wake up
And it was all just a dream
And everything is still the same

Sleepwalker did I give you concrete shoes?
And throw your body off of a bridge
Sleepwalker when I lay down to sleep
Pray your soul is mine to keep, I feel you near me

Sleepwalker or did I tell you I was in movies?
Then dump you garroted lying naked in a ditch
Sleepwalker everyday, another way
I know you can hear me

Sleepwalker did I buy you the farm?
Put a horse head in your bed
Sleepwalker when I lay down to sleep
Pray your soul is mine to keep, I feel you near me

Sleepwalker everyday, everyday another way
Sleepwalker when I lay down to sleep
Pray your soul is mine to keep
I know you can hear me




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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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