# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Motörhead Şarkıları

Take The Blame
Life's a Bitch
Shut It Down
See Me Burning
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Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Heart On Your Sleeve Şarkı Sözü


Clock is still ticking
Why don't you listen?
Ain't got the time that you had yesterday
Can't be so blind, way out of line
Thinking the world wants to ehar what you say
Nobody ever knows why
Nobody ever knows who
Nobody sees that we're all on our knees
Looking for reasons to do what we do
Hey, what the hell
Get out of your shell
Time to get back to when truth was all true
Get me some danger
Get me a stranger
Time to be counted and pay up my dues
Stand or fall
Get ourselves soemthing that we can believe
Fight or crawl
Use what you find in yourself to succeed
Stand or fall
Wearing your heart on your sleeve

Politics suck, you'll be shit out of luck
If you ever mess with the methods they use
No way to doubt, three strikes you're out
You against them, it's your freedom you lose...
Nobody questions the law
Nobody questions the man
Nobody cares 'cos nobody knows where
We go to so we can kick out the jams
Hey what the hell
You know yourself well
Get back to your honor and pride
Time for some slamming
Time for some jamming
Take us away from the snare of their lies

Stand or fall
Get ourselves soemthing that we can believe
Fight or crawl
Use what you find in yourself to succeed
Stand or fall
Wearing your heart on your sleeve

W're on the run, we're under the gun
Sneaking and hiding, away from the sun
Breaking the law, don't know what for
Our generation is made up of whores

Get out of town, get out of jail
Nobody here gonna make us our bail
Don't really care that my life isn't fair
Hard on your head in the electric chair
Out of your mind, deaf, dumb and blind
Don't know how people can be so unkind
Grown up too soon, grown up too soon
Too many wolves looking up at the moon

Way too clean, too fucking healthy, you know what I mean
Way too rich, every executive son of a bitch
Way too mean, they're all to eager to feed the machine
Way too smart, gonna come down and break all of our hearts
Way too slick - way they schmooze, like to making me sick
Time to leave, wearing your heart on your sleeve
Wearing your heart on your sleeve



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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Do I Wanna Know?

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