# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Nelly Furtado Şarkıları

Suficiente Tiempo
...On The Radio
Parking Lot
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Childhood Dreams Şarkı Sözü

Nelly Furtado

I can't believe you need me
I never thought I would be needed for anything
I can't believe my shoulders
Would carry such important weight

As your head and your tears
I can't believe you chose me, in all my fragility, me
It hurts so much when I love you
It makes me cry every time

Oh you, oh you are, oh you are, the little boy made for me in the stars
In the stars, that's why I can't let you go
The little boy made for me in the stars
That's why I love you more the further I go
And before this existence you were always there
Waiting for me you are, you are the realest thing I know
Hands down, the realest thing I know

I am not used to being carried or being able to carry a pretty song
I have been bruised by my many trails
Sometimes my skin's so thick it's frail
I just need to be ignored till I wake up to the beauty that is yours

And it all comes to life so, so suddenly
This is a place that's so deep, the water's so deep I hesitate
'Cause all the energy it takes to feel this power
I tend to run, I tend to hide, till I find you and I know I got you
I know, I know, I know

You're the little boy made for me in the stars
In the stars, that's why I can't let you go
The little boy made for me in the stars
That's why I love you more the further I go
And before this existence you were always here inside of me
You are, you are the realest thing I know
Hands down, the realest thing I know

I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams
I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams
I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams
I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams
My childhood dreams

When you carry me
When you carry me
When you carry me
It's so happy, yeah

I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams
I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams
I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams
I'm sliding on the rainbows of my childhood dreams
My childhood dreams



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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Sertab Erener



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