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En Popüler Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Şarkıları

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Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Where Do We Go Now But Nowhere Şarkı Sözü

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

I remember a girl so very well,
The carnival drums all mad in the air
Grim reapers and skeletons and a missionary bell,
O where do we go now but nowhere?

In a colonial hotel we f**ked up the sun,
And then we f**ked it down again
Well the sun comes up and the sun goes down,
Going 'round and around to nowhere

The kitten that padded and purred on my lap,
Now swipes at my face with the paw of a bear
I turn the other cheek and you lay into that,
O where do we go now but nowhere?

O wake up, my love, my lover, wake up,
O wake up, my love, my lover, wake up

Across clinical benches with nothing to talk,
Breathing tea and biscuits and the Serenity Prayer
While the bones of our child crumble like chalk,
O where do we go now but nowhere?

I remember a girl so bold and so bright,
Loose-limbed an laughing and brazen and dare
Sits gnawing her knuckles in the chemical light,
O where do we go now but nowhere?

You come for me now with a cake that you've made,
Ravaged avenger with a clip in your hair
Full of glass and bleach an my old razor blades,
O where do we go now but nowhere?

O wake up, my love, my lover, wake up,
O wake up, my love, my lover, wake up

If they'd give me my clothes back then I could go home,
From this fresh, this clean, antiseptic air
Behind the locked gates and old donkey moans,
O where do we go now but nowhere?

Around the duck pond we grimly mope,
Gloomily and mournfully we go round again
And one more doomed time and without much hope,
Going 'round and around to nowhere

From the balcony we watched the carnival band,
The crack of the drum a little child did scare
I can still feel his tiny fingers pressed in may hand,
O where do we go now but nowhere?

If I could relive one day of my life,
If I could relive just a single one
You on the balcony, my future wife,
O who could have known, but no one?

O wake up, my love, my lover, wake up,
O wake up, my love, my lover, wake up



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