# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Nickelback Şarkıları

This Afternoon
Savin Me
Fight For All The Wrong Reasons
Just For
Do This Anymore
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Animals Şarkı Sözü


I, I'm driving black on black, just got my license back
I got this feeling in my veins this train is coming off the track
I'll ask polite if the devil needs a ride
Because the angel on my right ain't hanging out with me tonight

I'm driving past your house while you were sneaking out
I got the car door opened up so you can jump in on the run
Your mom don't know that you were missing
She'd be pissed if she could see the parts of you that I've been kissing

Screamin' no!
We're never gonna quit, ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go ‘cause everybody knows
We're just a couple animals

So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Check out the trouble we're in

You're beside me on the seat, got your hand between my knees
And you control how fast we go by just how hard you wanna squeeze
It's hard to steer when you're breathing in my ear
But I got both hands on the wheel while you got both hands on my gears

By now, no doubt that we were heading south
I guess nobody ever taught her not to speak with a full mouth
‘Cause this was it, like flicking on a switch
It felt so good I almost drove into the ditch

I'm screamin' no!
We're never gonna quit ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go ‘cause everybody knows
We're just a couple animals

So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Look at the trouble we're in

We were parked out by the tracks, we're sitting in the back
And we just started getting busy when she whispered, “What was that?”
The wind, I think, ‘cause no one else knows where we are
And that was when she started screamin', “That's my dad outside the car!”

Oh please, the keys, they're not in the ignition
Must have wound up on the floor while we were switching our positions
I guess they knew that she was missing
As I tried to tell her dad it was her mouth that I was kissing

Screamin' no!
We're never gonna quit ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go ‘cause everybody knows
We're just a couple animals

So come on baby, get in
(We're just a couple animals)
Get in, just get in
(Ain't nothing wrong with it)
Check out the trouble we're in
(We're just a couple animals)
Get in, just get in



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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Sertab Erener



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