# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Pearl Jam Şarkıları

Times of Trouble
Walking the Cow
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me Şarkı Sözü

Pearl Jam

Don't you want people to love you?
My spanking, that's the only thing I want so much
Spanking, that's the only thing I want so much
That's the only thing I want so much

Don't you want people to love you?
My spanking, that's the only thing I want so much
That's the only thing I want so much

Why is that better than being hugged?
Why is that better than being hugged?
Because you get closer to the person
Closer to the person

Why is that better than being hugged?
Because you get closer to the person
Closer to the person

Just like a person having sex feels cared for
We wanna be loved, so we have sex together
And they feel loved about that
And this is the way it makes me feel loved

I want it, I dream about it, I think about it, I want it
Just like a girl wants sex with a boy, you know?
It's the way I'll always be probably
My last one was born in the system

See, they're stupid, very stupid, those people over there
They're stupid
These people are so below mentality, honest to god, really
You know what I mean, he got the nerve to bug me
You know what I mean, he got the nerve to bug me

This mentality, honest to god, really
You know what I mean, he got the nerve to bug me
Honest to god, really
You know what I mean, he got the nerve to bug me

Bug me, bug me, he got the nerve to bug me
Everything seems so eight ball
Everything seems so eight ball
And i, I don't know if that's my imagination, but, umm

Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me
And I don't know if that's my imagination, but, umm
Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me
Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me

Think they got me
Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me hmm
Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me
know if that's my imagination, but, umm

Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me
She prides herself on her cleaning habits
She prides herself on her cleaning habits

Hey foxymophandlemama, that's me
She prides herself on her cleaning habits
She prides herself on her cleaning habits
It's a lovely stupid mop, it is

There's something really screwey about no streaking
Is it any old dumb mop? It streaks
Come on mop, no streaking mop
I don't mind mop the floor, my mop streaks, I don't like it

It's not me, it's the mop come, I bought some new mops
Go away you stupid, dumb old sponge mop
I don't believe it now the floor looks beautiful
I don't believe it now the floor looks beautiful

I don't believe it old sponge mop
Dumb old sponge mop, dumb old sponge mop
Old sponge mop, dumb old sponge mop
You're right, this mop's stupid dumb old sponge mop

I don't believe it now the floor looks beautiful
That's why they call me mophandlemama
Now the floor looks beautiful

That's why they call me mophandlemama
That's why they call me mophandlemama
That's why they call me mophandlemama
In two weeks, before she could see herself not dressed

The twenty-third of may you know she disturbed no one today
The manager told her to completely forge
If you ever go to bed, I'll kill you
Do I tell the whole world that I'm mentally ill?

Go to the papers yeah, why not? Drum roll
I want to show them that
I can walk on my own without hands of theirs
And, I can still fantasize, but I keep it to myself

Keep it to myself keep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you? Very much
So think I deserve to be loved

Keep it to myself keep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you?
To be loved, don't you but I keep it to myself

Keep it to myself keep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you?
And, I can still fantasize, but I keep it to myself

Keep it to myself keep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you?
Very much so
Do you ever think that you would actually, really kill yourself?

Well, if I have thought about it real, uhh, real deep
Yes, I believe I would
I have thought about it real, uhh, real deep
Yes, I believe I would

And, I can still fantasize, but I keep it to myself
Keep it to myself keep it to myself
That I can walk without hands of theirs
And, I can still fantasize, but I keep it to myself

Keep it to myself keep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you?
That I can walk without hands of theirs
And, I can still fantasize, but I keep it to myself

Keep it to myself keep it to myself
I think I deserve to be loved, don't you? Very much so
Do you ever think that you actually would kill yourself?
Well, if I have thought about it real, uhh, real deep
Yes, I believe I would



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