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En Popüler Ray Charles Şarkıları

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Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Understanding Şarkı Sözü

Ray Charles

Understanding is the best thing in the world
Between a boy and a girl
Oh, boy and girl and even a woman or a man
It's always better when you really understand, oh

You know, understanding is a mighty powerful thing
That's why it makes me so sad
When I see my friends [Incomprehensible] around through the world
Never knowing the meaning of the word 'understanding'

So in the next few minutes
I'm gonna try to explain just exactly what it means
Now wait a minute, listen

For instance, you take me and my old lady
We got a good thing goin'
Because I know if I don't work and pay the rent
And the bills and buy her fine pretty clothes to wear

Well, there are fifteen other guys just waitin' 'round the corner
And I don't care how much that woman loves me
She's gonna go out and find herself one of them who will
And that's why I believe that

Understanding is the best thing in the world
Yes it is, yes it is
Between a boy and girl, oh
Boy and girl and what 'bout a woman or a man?
It can be so much better
It's always better when you really understand, oh

Now listen, I don't want you to think
That this is a one sided affair, no, no
Because my old lady also understands
That, that a man must have respect

What I mean is if she must play around
Don't let me catch her
Because what I don't see can't hurt me
You understand?

But on the other hand, if I should ever catch her
I'm not gonna talk about her
And call her a bunch of bad names
Like you all might, no, hmm mmm

What I'm gonna do
I'm gonna go downtown to the hardware store
And buy myself a double blade axe [Incomprehensible]
Come back, square off

And believe me
Her soul's gonna belong to the good Lord
Because her head's gonna belong to me
And I guarantee she'll know what I mean when I'll say

Understanding is the best thing in the world
Say it again, say it again
Between a boy and girl, oh yeah
Boy and girl and even a woman or a man
It's always better when you really understand, oh

Oh, understanding is the best thing in the world
Say it again, say it again now
Between a boy and girl, yeah



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