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En Popüler Running Wild Şarkıları

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Tear Down the Walls
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Ballad Of William Kidd Şarkı Sözü

Running Wild

He was born at the shore
Of Greenhock in the year 1645
Ran away at the age of fourteen
To flee from his soul-killing life

He signed on to sail the wild-winds
But he worked down his hands and his knees
He stood his test on the waters
So they said he was bred to the sea

In 1697, the Adventurer was setting its sails
With the letter of marque and reprisal
Kidd was prepared for his trail

They sailed the sea with the mission
To hunt down Tew and Long Ben
A serious riot was rising
So Kidd struck down one of his men and he died

Blue-blooded men they fell from grace
Piranhas eating their own
They sacrificed at the altar of lies
So fate took its course in the ballad of William Kidd

The Adventurer returned to her hometown
Kidd was forced to defense
They charged him with looting and murder
His patrons and generous friends

He'd left his crew at St. Thomas
To guard his honor from shame
But the Lords they lied like a trooper
Not to lose their own heads in the game

Blue-blooded men they fell from grace
Piranhas eating their own
They sacrificed at the altar of lies
So fate took its course in the ballad of William Kidd

The Lords testified, their unholy lies
To save their own heads from the gallows
They sacrificed Kidd, they took him for a ride
That conspiratorial fellows

They judged him and they found him guilty
Of piracy of the high seas
Betraying men of honor
You know lie and cheat as they please

A case of judicial murder
Caused the death of a seafaring man
Slanderous bunch of liars
To hell your souls will be damned

Blue-blooded men, they fell from grace
Piranhas eating their own
They sacrificed at the altar of lies
So fate took its portentous course

What a shame
In the ballad of William Kidd



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


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