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En Popüler The Rolling Stones Şarkıları

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Oh Baby (We Got a Good Thing Goin')
Confessin' The Blues
Midnight Rambler (Live)
I'm All Right
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

She's So Cold Şarkı Sözü

The Rolling Stones

I'm so hot for her, I'm so hot for her
I'm so hot for her and she's so cold
I'm so hot for her, I'm on fire for her
I'm so hot for her and she's so cold

I'm the burning bush, I'm the burning fire
I'm the bleeding volcano
I'm so hot for her, I'm so hot for her
I'm so hot for her and she's so cold

Yes, I tried re-wiring her, tried re-firing her
I think her engine is permanently stalled
She's so cold, she's so cold
She's so cold, cold, cold, like a tombstone

She's so cold, she's so cold
She's so cold, cold, cold, like an ice cream cone
She's so cold she's so cold
And when I touch her my hand just froze

Yeah, I'm so hot for hot for her, I'm so hot for her
I'm so hot for her and even so
Put your hand on the heat, put your hand on the heat
Aww come on baby, let's go

She's so cold, she's so cold, cold
She's so c-c-c-old but she's beautiful, though

Yeah, she's so cold

She's so cold, she's so cold
She was born in an arctic zone
She's so cold, she's so cold, cold, cold
And when I touch her my hand just froze

She's so cold, she's so goddamn cold
She's so cold, cold, cold, she's so cold

Who would believe
You were a beauty indeed
When the days get shorter and the nights get long
Lie awake when the rain comes

Nobody will know, when you're old
When you're old, nobody will know
That you was a beauty, a sweet sweet beauty
A sweet sweet beauty, but stone stone cold

You're so cold, you're so cold, cold, cold
You're so cold, you're so cold

I'm so hot for you, I'm so hot for you
I'm so hot for you and you're so cold
I'm the burning bush, I'm the burning fire
I'm the bleeding volcano



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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