# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Twisted Sister Şarkıları

Under The Blade
I've Had Enough
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
I'll Be Home for Christmas
Tear It Lose
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Shoot 'Em Down Şarkı Sözü

Twisted Sister

Come on, boys

She looks so fine like champagne or wine, no one ever gets her
Oh, ain't she cool, plays us for fools if we wanna let her
Across the room she sees some buffoon blown away by her style
She goes out of her way so that she can play
And make him beg for a little while

Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down to the ground

Like caviar or a fine foreign car, he's a motivator
Dressed to the T's, they're down on their knees, he's a master baiter
He'll make 'em crawl for the hell of it all, he likes to see them cry
And then just for fun he'll say she's the one and then he'll make her die

He's gonna shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down to the ground

They don't care about feelings
They were meant to be stepped on
And while one is healing
They go and step on another one

Now, these people prey on us everyday
Some are bad, some badder
They think we're fools so they make their own rules
It only gets us madder

Well, they think they're hot, well, I say they're not
They shoot us down for fun
If they wanna play, let's make 'em pay
Shoot them down with a fucking gun

Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down to the ground

Come on now, shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down to the ground

Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
Shoot 'em down, shoot 'em down
We shoot them down, come on, honey
Shoot them down, come on, shoot 'em down



Yorum Yapın


En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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