# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Usher Şarkıları

Love In This Club
Lessons For The Lover
Making Love
Foolin' Around
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Hottest Thing Şarkı Sözü


I've been looking at you
Turning brothers down, song after song
Well, it's time for me to holla now
Your body is calling, don't fight it
Ooh I like it

You're dancing all alone
What's that all about? You're so fine
But it's time for me to call you out
Watch out, I'll straight run up on you
Girl I want you

You're the hottest thing in the club tonight
Having visions of making love tonight
With you constantly to the break of dawn
We can shake the spot if you say it's on, oh baby

Dancing so close, got me up like whoa
We're doing the most is living with you possible?
Your body is saying you want to
And I want you, oh baby

More than you know sugar if only for one night
I'll make you feel like you've been to paradise
It's all up to you, tell me something baby
I know one thing

You're the hottest thing in the club tonight
Having visions of making love tonight
With you constantly to the break of dawn
We can shake the spot if you say it's on

You're the hottest thing in the club tonight
Having visions of making love tonight
With you constantly to the break of dawn
We can shake the spot if you say it's on

Baby tell me, what's on your mind?
Do you think that I'm being too forward
Oh baby by coming at you, this way
I can't help myself

You're the hottest thing in the club tonight
Having visions of making love tonight
With you constantly to the break of dawn
We can shake the spot if you say it's on

You're the hottest thing in the club tonight
Visions of making love tonight
With you constantly to the break of dawn
We can shake the spot if you say it's on

You're the hottest thing, club tonight
Visions of making love tonight
With you constantly, break of dawn
Shake the spot



Yorum Yapın


En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran

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En Popüler 5 Yerli Şarkı

Sekiz 2

Zamanda Yolculuk

31 Ekran

Hakkari 24 Şehit

Serseri Styla


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Taylor Swift

Wrecking Ball

Miley Cyrus

Do I Wanna Know?

Arctic Monkeys

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