# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Usher Şarkıları

Pro Lover
You Make Me Wanna
If I Want To
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

U-Turn Şarkı Sözü


Yeah, ay, yo
2000, it's us
Yo, it's time to U-Turn
Ya heard me?
You're either with us or against us, yo

It's been some years now
Since we hit the floor to get down
We always had a step to go with the sound
Now everybody wanna sit around, drink and ball

Remember, the snake and how the floor used to clear
And everybody would break
What's crunk now, used to be called getting to it
We're bringing it all back, this is how we do it, just

Put your hands up
Bend your knees
Bounce around in a circle
Get down with me

Oh, come on, come on
It's not hard to learn
Come on, come on
It's called the U-Turn

Put your hands up
Bend your knees
Bounce around in a circle
Get down with me

Oh, come on, come on
It's not hard to learn
Come on, come on
It's called the U-Turn

In the 80s, fresh was the talk
MJ had everybody doing the moonwalk
In the 90s, I had a high flat top
Doing the wop, Pee Wee to the Reebok

I can't forget about my high school days
The sound was Bobby Brown, the dance was the running man
Now everybody wanna push Bentley's
The year is 2, everybody do the U-Turn

Put your hands up
Bend your knees
Bounce around in a circle
Get down with me

Oh, come on, come on
It's not hard to learn
Come on, come on
It's called the U-Turn

Put your hands up
Bend your knees
Bounce around in a circle
Get down with me

Oh, come on, come on
It's not hard to learn
Come on, come on
It's called the U-Turn

All you need to do is let go
Let the tempo take over you
I came to have a good time
Let the rhythm deep inside your soul
Let it lead you to the floor, come on, whoa

Put your hands up
Bend your knees
Bounce around in a circle
Get down with me

Oh, come on, come on
It ain't hard to learn
Come on, come on
It's called the U-Turn

Put your hands up
Bend your knees
Bounce around in a circle
Get down with me

Oh, come on, come on
It ain't hard to learn
Come on, come on
It's called the U-Turn

Put your hands up
Bend your knees
Bounce around in a circle
Get down with me

Oh, come on, come on
It's not hard to learn
Come on, come on
It's called the U-Turn

Put your hands up
Bend your knees
Bounce around in a circle
Get down with me

Oh, come on, come on
It's not hard to learn
Come on, come on
It's called the U-Turn

Put your hands up
Bend your knees
Bounce around in a circle
Get down with me

Oh, come on, come on
It's not hard to learn
Come on, come on
It's called the U-Turn

Put your hands up
Bend your knees
Bounce around in a circle
Get down with me

Oh, come on, come on
It's not hard to learn



Yorum Yapın


En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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