# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Van Halen Şarkıları

Little Guitars
How Many Say I?
Somebody Get Me a Doctor!
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Inside Şarkı Sözü

Van Halen

Man, what kinda crap is this? I don't know
I, I thought it was really gonna be different this time and it is
Yeah, yeh-hey, I don't know man, we're dyin', we're dyin'
Hey, you got a point there, this is fat!
You've actually got three points there
Oh yeah, hey, what they, where he'd get that clothes?
Outta your closet, Yeah, you mean, you mean my wife's closet
No, J.C. Penny man. J.C. Penny

That's what's comin' down on the inside
Don't let this get around to the outside

Now listen here, it's not what you are, ya see, it's how ya dress
'Cause that's one thing I learned from these guys, I must confess
Now me look, I got this job not just bein' myself, huh
I went out, I bought some brand new shoes
Now I walk like someone else, hey

Maybe I'm crazy or just too high
But all this here can't be worth my piece of the pie

Sittin' around just gettin' high, temporarily pacified
I guess less is more

Somethin' special, gimme someone new
Some brand new groove to sink my teeth into

Sittin' around just gettin' high, temporarily pacified

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, don't touch me there, okay?
Just don't do that, okay? Oh, why?
(Just pay my accountant)

That's what's coming down on the inside
I don't know, I might be able to make it through, what the hay?
Don't let this get around to the outside, please, please, please

This ain't no party, this ain't no show
So don't you try to put no m-m-mojo
That's what's comin' down
(On my butt, anyway, heh heh)

(I, I, I, I don't feel so good)
That's what's comin' down on the inside on the inside
(I'm serious man, I don't, I don't feel too good)
(Hey, let's blow it out here now man, alright?)
Let this get around, to the outside
(Eddie! can't you read lips?)
(I came into this thing with an open mind
(Mike! Mike! what was that shit you gave me last night?

That's what's comin' down on the inside
(Get out! Operator calling, get out! Operator)
Don't let this get around, to the outside
That's what's comin' down on the inside
(Okay, hello? Hello?)
(This is the operator)
(Hey Sammy, I found a hat and a pair of shoes are they yours?)
Don't let this get around, to the outside

That's what's comin' down on the inside
Don't let this get around To the outside
(Hey! somebody get me a cheeseburger!)
(Hey, is Greg back yet?)
(Alimony! Alimony! Alimony! Alimony! Alimony! Alimony!)

That's what's comin' down on the inside
Don't let this get around to the outside



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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