# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Van Morrison Şarkıları

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Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Man Has to Struggle Şarkı Sözü

Van Morrison

Man makes his money and they call him rich
Deep down inside he knows that life's still a bitch
Man tries to keep things but they're taken away
Man has to struggle all the live long day

Man has to sweat and toil his life filled with trouble
Man got to step and fetch it on the double
Man has to work so hard to make it all pay
Man has to struggle all the live long day

Man keeps on moving 'cause he can't keep still
Man has to set his goals and climb up the hill
Man sees the mountains and the deep blue sky
Man has to struggle till the day that he die

Well, yes, siree Bob, them there's the breaks
That's how it is my friend don't make no mistake

Man has to take some action all of the time
Man by his nature's never satisfied
Man just can't vegetate no matter what they say
Man has to make it all the live long day

Man has to create karma that's the way that it is
Man has to keep on going way beyond his will
Man has to keep on being 'cause there's nothing else
And man just always has to go for himself

Take all the gurus when they meditate
Transcend the mundane into some altered state
You just might get there but you'll have to pay
Man's got to struggle all the live tong day

Well, yes, siree now, Bob them there's the breaks
That's how it is my friend don't make no mistake

Man has to watch the weather and the food that he eats
Man has to keep fit else he's prone to disease
No matter what he does there's stress every which way
Man has to struggle all the live long day

Man is in conflict with his natural self
Man has to suppress his own desires and instincts
Man has to work so hard to keep them at bay
Man has to struggle all the live long day

Man was told that he was born in original sin
By people long ago that were conning him
Man is so out of touch he can't trust himself
But man's still got to win by cunning and stealth



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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