# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Van Morrison Şarkıları

I Put a Spell on You
Who Drove The Red Sports Car?
I've Been Working
Celtic Excavation
Hold On George
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Summertime in England Şarkı Sözü

Van Morrison

Can you meet me in the country
In the summertime in England?
Will you meet me?

Will you meet me in the country
In the summertime in England?
Will you meet me?

We'll go riding up to Kendal in the country
In the summertime in England

Did you ever hear about
Did you ever hear about
Did you ever hear about
Wordsworth and Coleridge, baby?
Did you ever hear about
Wordsworth and Coleridge?

They were smokin' up in Kendal
By the lakeside

Can you meet me in the country in the long grass
In the summertime in England?
Will you meet me?

With your red robe dangling all around your body
With your red robe dangling all around your body
Will you meet me?

Did you ever hear about
William Blake
T. S. Eliot?

In the summer, in the countryside
They were smokin'
Summertime in England

Won't you meet me down Bristol
Meet me along by Bristol
We'll go ridin' down

Down by Avalon
Down by Avalon
Down by Avalon
In the countryside in England

With your red robe danglin' all around your body free
Let your red robe go

Goin' ridin' down by Avalon
Would you meet me in the country
In the summertime in England

Would you meet me?
In the Church of St. John
Down by Avalon
Holy Magnet
Give you attraction
Yeah, I was attracted to you

Your coat was old, ragged and worn
And you wore it down through the ages
Ah, the sufferin' did show in your eyes as we spoke
And the gospel music
The voice of Mahalia Jackson came through the ether

Oh, my common one with the coat so old
And the light in the head
Said, "Daddy, don't stroke me"
Call me the common one
I said, "Oh, common one, my illuminated one
Oh, my high in the art of sufferin' one"

Take a walk with me
Take a walk with me down by Avalon
Oh, my common one with the coat so old
And the light in her head

And the sufferin' so fine
Take a walk with me down by Avalon
And I will show you
It ain't why, why, why
It just is

Would you meet me in the country?
Can you meet me in the long grass
In the country in the summertime?
Can you meet me in the long grass?
Wait a minute
With your red robe danglin' all around your body

Yeats and Lady Gregory corresponded
And James Joyce wrote streams
Of consciousness books
T.S. Eliot chose England
T.S. Eliot joined the ministry

Did you ever hear about Wordsworth and Coleridge?
Smokin' up in Kendal
They were smokin' by the lakeside
Let your red robe go
Let your red robe dangle in the countryside in England

We'll go ridin' down by Avalon
In the country, in the summertime
With you by my side
Let your red robe go
You'll be happy dancin'
Let your red robe go

Won't you meet me down by Avalon
In the summertime in England
In the Church of St. John?
Did you ever hear about Jesus walkin'
Jesus walkin' down by Avalon?

Can you feel the light in England?
Can you feel the light in England?
Oh, my common one with the light in her head
And the coat so old
And the sufferin' so fine

Take a walk with me
Oh, my common one
Oh, my illuminated one
Down by Avalon

Oh, my common one
Oh, my story time one
Oh, my treasury in the sunset
Take a walk with me
And I will show you
It ain't why, it just is

Oh, my common one
With the light in the head
And the coat so old
Oh, my high in the art of sufferin' one

Oh, my common one
Take a walk with me
Down by Avalon
And I will show you
It ain't why, it just is

Oh, my common one with the light in her head
And the coat so fine
And the sufferin' so high
All right now

Oh, my common one
It ain't why, it just is
That's all
That's all there is about it
It just is

Can you feel the light?
I want to go to church and say
In your soul
Ain't it high?

Oh, my common one
Oh, my story time one
Oh, my high in the art of sufferin' one
Put your head on my shoulder
And you listen to the silence
Can you feel the silence?



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