# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Venom Şarkıları

Live Like An Angel, Die Like A Devil
Fragile Life
Flight Of The Hydra
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Clarisse Şarkı Sözü


Clarisse what perfume you wearing today
No don't tell me I know
And the soap that you washed with
Come to me don't feel scared I'm not going to bite
Well maybe just a little maybe just a mite

You know without windows without the wind the rain or snow
I feel somewhat strange but of course all this you know
Tell me about the lambs Clarisse tell me why you're scared
I know when your father died something died in there

To see simplicity in any mortal thing is a gift few men have
What makes a killer a madman it's not disgusting it's sad
I dream of trees now I smell the sea don't you find that fun
You have the pleasures of the flesh Clarisse you can feel the sun

But on the darker side you feel the anger rise
You feel the satisfying hate
And if you had to kill against your strongest will
You wouldn't shoot that bullet late

Please don't judge me so wait just before you go
Come up closer to the cage
Let me taste the smells of your own body cells
You mustn't covert me with rage

I ate to feed I killed in kind you believe me
Don't you hear the echoes in your mind
They say I'm insane don't they but do they really know why
They say I'm nothing but a cannibal can't understand or even try

For in the night when I whisper from my cell
And play my psychiatric game
In the morning when the inmate's dead
They hang a new one to my fame

If I walked the streets a free man
In the heat I couldn't terrify a crowd
But in a silent home where we'd be all alone
You'd need to freshen up a shroud

Please believe I couldn't hurt
You I'd try to make you feel
Welcomed like a friend
I'd have you over for a meal

Then I'd tear at your silken breast
Rip out the heart beating and bloody
Gnaw with lust at your soften neck
Cutting and spitting and cooking you slowly

Feed you up like a blooded boar fruit
In the mouth and garnished with roses
Feel nothing for you anymore deader than hell
A meal for a hungry man



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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