# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

En Popüler Vio-Lence Şarkıları

Bodies on Bodies
Torture Tactics
Kill on Command
T.D.S. (Take It As You Will)
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Phobophobia Şarkı Sözü


Restricted patient
Or so they say
I choose to stay here, phobic fears
Nerve endings eaten away

I'm out of touch
With all in sight
Don't close my eyes
I fear that death will come collecting tonight

Distracted ruins
Oh can't you see?
I'm nervous, frightened, tormented by everything

You'll never know
Just what it's like
You can't imagine
What's disturbing, what is eating my mind

In constant paranoia
Keeps me looking over my shoulder
I'm hiding 'til the fear is over
Running down the street
I'll never look to see just what it might be
That I fear so much in my life
Or in my death

Doctor, help me
At any cost
Please make it go away before I am totally lost

Inside a shell and locked away
No fear can touch me
When I scream, none can hear what I say

But is it gone, or did it stay?
My phobophobic thoughts
God, will they ever go away?

And leave me be, I doubt they will
The disease of fear has got me
And it's in for the kill

The fracture of my mind
It will destroy me slowly
In the end, I lay there breathless
Six feet under, dirt will cover
The headstone reads
"His was a frantic mind, less human being
Destroyed by fear of everything that could be"

I've witnessed fear
For all it's worth
I can't imagine someone causing its own birth

The human hell
Or so we say
But is it fear the only thing that we are prey?

In life, not death
Define to me
A state of coldness life where I can be free

Of mortal choice
Burden of life
A questioned fate of fear or am I to die?

I've seen now some of what I've done done
A disease now once delivered

On those poor souls I pressure on
Unearthly cold they shiver

Insertion of fear a blood lacing tear
I draw from cowards breaking

Psychiatrists I tie in knots
This mind in fear is taken



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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