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En Popüler Iron Maiden Şarkıları

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Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Infinite Dreams Şarkı Sözü

Iron Maiden


Infinite dreams I can't deny them
Infinity is hard to comprehend
I couldn't hear those screams
Even in my wildest dreams

Suffocation waking in a sweat
Scared to fall asleep again
Incase the dream begins again
Someone chasing I cannot move
Standing rigid nightmare's statue
What a dream when will it end
And will it trnscend ?

Restless sleep the minds in turmoil
One nightmare ends another fertile
Getting to me so scared to sleep
But scared to wake now, in too deep.

Even thought its reached new heights
I rather like the restless nights
It makes me wonder it makes me think
There's more to this I'm on the brink
It's not the fear of what's beyound
It's just that I might not respond
I have an interest almost craving
But would I like to get too far in ?

It can't all be coincidence
Too many things are evident
You tell me you're an unbeliever
Spirtualists ? Well me I'm neither
But wouldn't you like to know
The truth
Oh what's out there to have the proof
And find out just which side
You're on
Where would you end in Heaven or
In Hell ?

Help me. Help me to find my true
Self without seeing the future
Save me, save me from fortuning
Myself even within my dreams

There's got to be just more to it
That this
Or tell me why do we exist
I'd like to think that when I die
I'd get a chance another time
And to return and live again
Reincarnate, play the game
Again and again and again.



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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